Where did such an unusual idea to decorate the park with a mural come from?

I am aware that in the eyes of many people an industrial park is not a place in any way associated with art. However, in my opinion warehouse spaces are an extension of the urban fabric, which require planning and appropriate development. Industrial park is a place where people spend time, so it is important that the planned space is also visually friendly as it is in offices for example. Observing the layout of the park and the structural elements, the mural, as an art that needs space and large size, became an idea as a possibility to revive the park. At the same time, the idea came up to support local artists and involve them in the process of its creation and to organize a competition for the design of the mural. The response was amazing! All the works submitted were executed with care for the smallest details and the ideas of conveying the values of Accolade were surprising. That is why, despite our previous assumptions, we decided to award two more projects. 


What are the values of Accolade in the winning project? Are they shown in a way that is obvious to the viewer?

Our values are closely related to our ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) strategy. We want to be a reliable and transparent company, which in its operations and in its relations with partners is guided by the principles of sustainable development. Ms Kamila Kurczab, the winner of the competition, perfectly captured our concern for the environment, people and animals, and the fact that the basis for responsible action is an idea. Hence our initiatives for the benefit of ecology expressed, for example, by the presence of bees in our parks in Bydgoszcz and Szczecin. We also make sure that our investments meet the requirements of BREEAM certification, which is a guarantee of concern for the environment. Accolade is also supporting society and is a good neighbor. For years, we have been supporting organizational and charity projects, in addition to investing in culture, sports, science and education. We also cooperate with municipalities, supporting their development. And last but not least, we think of our employees, for whom we endeavor to create a healthy environment, equal opportunities, and support their training. All these values are shown in the mural that has just been completed. We are glad that Ms. Kamila somehow entered our company and conveyed our values in such an extraordinary way.


Is this how Accolade works? It gives space to develop not only business but also important projects for people?

As I mentioned, we want our parks to be more than just another industrial space. Accolade is a brand that wants and is able to see the potential of places and people, and such a space gives great opportunities to run imagination - you just need to come up with the right idea. For me personally, it is invaluable that Accolade provides me with opportunities to pursue bold ideas - not only those directly related to changing the value of the portfolio, but also those that add value to the quality of our product. I think that with the mural idea, in addition to bringing art into the park, it was possible to strengthen existing relationships with tenants. Art in this case was also something that brings people together and shows them that there is room for their ideas here and that we are creating this Park together. The mural wasn't my last idea - I have many more and I hope to be able to talk about them soon.


When it comes to art in industrial parks, is this Accolade's last word, or will there be a continuation?

Every beautiful scenario should have a continuation. When a year ago we started working on organizing a competition for the design of a mural, everything was a great unknown to us. We were blazing some previously untrodden paths. Art combined with industrial character of the Park gave an amazing effect and we would like to continue it. Also because of the enthusiasm that this project caused in all people involved. Hence, our initiative Accolade Industrial Art., in which more parks and industrial spaces will take color.