What is BREEAM certification?  


BREEAM certification is an international system for evaluating buildings for their environmental impact. Aspects such as energy efficiency, water management, use of green building materials, waste management, indoor air quality and access to sustainable forms of transportation are evaluated. Warehouse buildings that meet certain environmental standards can be certified at levels of: Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Outstanding. Each of these levels reflects the sophistication of the environmental solutions used.


Why certify warehouses?  


1. reduce operating costs through energy efficiency

BREEAM-certified warehouses are designed to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. By using advanced energy management systems, such as LED lighting, photovoltaic panels or intelligent heating and ventilation systems, owners can significantly reduce operating costs. In large warehouse facilities, where energy consumption is high, energy efficiency translates into big savings.

In addition, through optimal warehouse space design, operational efficiency can be increased - from better layout of storage space to intelligent transportation solutions inside the warehouse, which also help reduce energy consumption.


2 Increase the market value of the warehouse


Warehouses with BREEAM certification are seen as more valuable in the commercial real estate market. Potential tenants are increasingly looking for modern, environmentally friendly warehouse space that aligns with their values and sustainability strategy. As a result, landlords can expect higher rental rates and more interest from companies in the logistics, e-commerce or manufacturing industries.

Green warehouses also gain value in the long term, as they are better prepared for environmental regulatory changes and growing sustainability requirements.



3 Better working conditions and increased employee productivity

Although warehouses are not always associated with comfort, BREEAM certification brings a new quality to the design of such facilities. Certified warehouses must meet certain standards for air quality, lighting and thermal conditions. As a result, employees work in healthier conditions, which directly affects their productivity and job satisfaction.

Adequate ventilation and optimal use of natural light in warehouses can help improve working conditions, as well as reduce costs associated with sick leave.

4 Long-term savings and sustainability

Investments in BREEAM-certified warehouses have long-term benefits for both owners and tenants. Reduced energy and water consumption, efficient waste management and innovative technologies contribute to reduced operating costs and increased profitability of the facility. In addition, such warehouses are more resistant to future environmental regulations and CO2 emissions, making them a safer and more cost-effective investment for years to come.


Green technologies in BREEAM-certified warehouses

1 Energy management systems

One of the key aspects of BREEAM certification is energy efficiency. BREEAM-certified warehouses use sophisticated energy management systems that automatically adjust lighting, ventilation and heating to match current needs. For example, these systems can detect whether specific warehouse zones are in use and adjust lighting accordingly, resulting in a significant reduction in energy consumption.


2 Sustainable water management

BREEAM-certified warehouses place a strong emphasis on efficient water management. Technologies are used that minimize water consumption by recovering, recycling and reusing water, such as for sanitary purposes. Installing rainwater harvesting systems and using it to irrigate the green areas around the warehouse are other practical solutions that promote savings.


3 Waste management

BREEAM-certified warehouses must meet high standards for waste management. This means that these facilities are designed to minimize the amount of waste produced and promote waste separation and recycling. The introduction of appropriate recycling zones and automatic waste sorting systems allows for more efficient resource management.

4 Innovative building materials

The construction of BREEAM-certified warehouses involves the use of environmentally friendly building materials, such as FSC-certified wood, recycled materials and energy-efficient insulation. The use of such materials not only reduces the carbon footprint of construction, but also improves the quality and durability of the facility itself, which is crucial to its market value.


Benefits for warehouse owners and tenants

BREEAM-certified warehouses benefit both owners and tenants. For owners, this means higher property value, better competitiveness in the rental market and long-term savings from lower operating costs. Tenants, on the other hand, can enjoy modern, environmentally friendly warehouse space that is cheaper to maintain and provides better working conditions for employees.


Sustainable transportation and BREEAM warehouses

Sustainable transportation is also one of the key elements of BREEAM certification. For BREEAM-certified warehouses, the availability and accessibility of environmentally friendly forms of transportation are assessed. Proximity to transportation networks and availability for low-emission vehicles are important considerations. Warehouses can be equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles, which supports logistics companies operating zero-emission fleets.

BREEAM certification is not only green, but also offers concrete financial benefits. BREEAM-certified warehouses are forward-thinking solutions that reduce operating costs, increase property value and improve working conditions. Thanks to innovative technologies for energy management, water and waste management and the use of sustainable building materials, these warehouses become more competitive in the rental market, attracting modern companies that care about the environment. Investing in BREEAM-certified warehouses is a step toward sustainability and long-term savings.