Mercator Medical's new distribution center will be built at 7R Park Gdansk IV, a modern logistics park offering a total of 42,000 sqm of warehouse space. Located in Barniewice, near the Tri-City metropolitan bypass and 18 km from the DCT Gdansk container terminal, the facility will provide the company with convenient access to key transportation routes. In addition, the warehouse will apply for BREEAM certification at the Excellent level, confirming Mercator Medical's commitment to sustainable development.

The decision to build its own distribution center is a strategic step for Mercator Medical Group. “We want to have more independence and control over the distribution process, and thus optimize costs and improve operational efficiency. The new warehouse with significant potential supports this direction and enables us to achieve our goals.” - explains Piotr Rabczuk, director of logistics at Mercator Medical Group.

The opening of the distribution center at 7R Park Gdansk IV is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025. The investment is the next stage in the development of Mercator Medical Group, which is consistently building its position as a leader in the medical device market in Central and Eastern Europe.

Mercator Medical was represented by Axi Immo advisors in the negotiations for the lease of warehouse space.