Talented and effective. This is the third time Panattoni has taken part in PSML’s (Polish Supply Management Leaders) Top 100 Young project. A group of six students of technical and economic universities prepared an extensive efficiency analysis of the potential introduction of a number of sustainable development measures in warehouse and industrial facilities. The report covered the water systems (both inside and outside the buildings), energy saving systems, as well as other solutions, such as green walls covered in moss instead of wool and environmentally friendly roofs. The students drew up an LCC (life cycle cost) analysis to detail the advantages and disadvantages of individual solutions, and by matching them with their costs, were able to evaluate the efficacy of their implementation.
As a result of all this teamwork, the developer will now be using improved systems based on grey and rainwater usage and will introduce new materials with lower volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon footprint values in selected properties. As Emilia Dębowska the Sustainability Manager of Panattoni says: “Working with a group of students during this project turned out to be a very valuable and fruitful experience. The participants carried out the task very efficiently, always remaining open to substantive and inspiring discussions that were quickly transformed into action. These young people’s fresh take on many processes and solutions has helped to further develop our green offer.
Panattoni appreciates young talent. In addition to gaining valuable knowledge, Panattoni has also acquired a new team member. One of the participants of the third Top 100 Young project was Mirosław Gromek, a logistics student at the Białystok University of Technology, who has now joined the company’s Sustainability team as a Coordinator and will support the company in future ‘green revolutions’ to come. He will engage in the work both at the design stage and in the subsequent development of facilities constructed according to sustainability principles.
This is the third time Panattoni has taken part in Top 100 Young. In recent years, participants prepared a report on the ideal speculative warehouse, as well as an analysis of the best new locations for industrial projects forming part of the New Silk Road supply line while taking into account the surrounding urban development.